Text to API

Getting Started

Welcome to our app! Follow the steps below to get started.

STEP 1: Login

  1. Access our app at text-to-api.ai
  2. Click on the Login button on the top-right corner of the homepage.
  3. Enter your credentials and click Sign In

STEP 2: Creating a Domain

  1. Navigate to the Domains section
  2. Click on the Create Domain button
  3. Enter your desired domain details

STEP 3: Uploading a Swagger File

Our app supports Swagger files in JSON, YAML, and TXT formats

  1. Navigate to the Domains section
  2. Upload a Swagger file (YAML,JSON,TXT)
  3. Test Text to API transferring in domain form

STEP 4: Creating an Access Token

To interact with our app using API calls, you'd have to create an access token

  1. Start by navigating to the API Tokens section
  2. Click on the Create Token button
  3. Enter a token name and click Generate Token.

Store your tokens securely. If you lose a token, you must generate a new one.