Getting Started
Welcome to our app! Follow the steps below to get started.
STEP 1: Login
- Access our app at
- Click on the Login button on the top-right corner of the homepage.
- Enter your credentials and click Sign In
STEP 2: Creating a Domain
- Navigate to the Domains section
- Click on the Create Domain button
- Enter your desired domain details
STEP 3: Uploading a Swagger File
Our app supports Swagger files in JSON, YAML, and TXT formats
- Navigate to the Domains section
- Upload a Swagger file (YAML,JSON,TXT)
- Test Text to API transferring in domain form
STEP 4: Creating an Access Token
To interact with our app using API calls, you'd have to create an access token
- Start by navigating to the API Tokens section
- Click on the Create Token button
- Enter a token name and click Generate Token.
Store your tokens securely. If you lose a token, you must generate a new one.